Lotus Family Clinic accepts walk-in and new patient appointments.
Telephone appointments are available to patients who have met the criteria.
We do not provide telehealth appointments via video link.
We understand how exciting travel can be and how important it is that you are well prepared and properly immunised prior to starting your holiday.
Our doctors can provide comprehensive travel consultations and can advise you what vaccinations are required for all destinations. It is a one-stop-shop for all travel vaccination and medication requirements.
Whatever your destination, we can assist in preparing you for your safe and healthy travel and ensuring your travel health is well managed by providing the most up-to-date international health advice and medical services.
Please ensure that you make an appointment with your doctor well in advance as some vaccinations are required to be given over a specific time frame (e.g. 3 or 6 months) and completed in a certain time-frame before departure.
For global information on Travel Vaccinations and Advice, please refer to Smart Traveller Australia website.
The information below outlines the usual duration of protection once the vaccination course is complete. For some vaccines, the duration of protection is uncertain.
Vaccine | Duration of Protection |
Chicken Pox | Lifetime |
Diphtheria | 10 years |
Flu (seasonal) | 1 years |
Flu (swine) | 1 years |
Hepatitis A | Long term |
Hepatitis B | Long term |
Japanese Encephalitis | Up to 3 years |
Measles, Mumps and Rubella | Lifetime |
Meningitis | 2-3 years |
Polio | Lifetime |
Rabies (pre-exposure) | Long term |
Tetanus | 10 years |
Typhoid | 3 years |
Yellow Fever | 10 years |
To find out more about our Travel Medicine services please call LFC.
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we operate and pay our respects to elder’s past, present and emerging.